Pine Green Academy Admissions Arrangements

Our Planned Places number is agreed annually with the Local Authority. This can vary slightly year on year depending on our capacity to meet the needs of our complex population, but currently sits at 120 places across the whole school (Year 3-11).

We may have to limit capacity to admit into a particular Key Stage when classes a Key Stage are full to capacity. This can sometimes mean we have to decline a request for a place even though we may not have reached our overall capacity number.

We can consider requests for places from the Local Authority throughout the year, and are often planning the school roll a year ahead.

If you think Pine Green Academy may be the school that could meet the needs of your child, you can contact us for an initial informal discussion.

In the first instance you should speak to:

Mr Stu Williams – Head of School

Mrs Charmaine Clarke-Putzgruber - Head of Primary

The school contact number is 01902 551564 or you can contact us by email

You will need to contact Wolverhampton Local Authority to discuss all schools that may be able to meet the needs of your child.

The Local Authority can be contacted by viewing their website. Click here.

You can contact the Wolverhampton School Transport Service by:

Telephone:  01902 551155   


All EHCP consultations will be dealt with in accordance with the SEND code of Practice: 0-25 years - SEND Code Of Practice

All 'consulting' Local Authorities are required to submit EHCP consultation documentation here: