Shaw Education Trust believe in transparency and accountability throughout their Academies, and between each Academy and the Trust.

“We aim to develop a culture of diversity, equality and inclusion in which all those connected to Shaw Education Trust feel proud of their identity and ability to participate fully in school life. Across our multi-academy trust, our governance roles are composed of approximately 85% white British, 5% minority ethnic background* and 10% wishing not to share their information.”

The Trust Board will provide support and challenge as required, with the aim of enabling each Academy to work towards earned autonomy. 

Local governance and accountability is secured through a system of Academy Councils, with the Trust Board retaining overall legal control of its academies in line with Department for Education and Education Funding Agency expectations.

For more information about the Trust Board, click here. For information about our Trust Members, click here. 

Details of how accountability is delegated across the Trust can be found here.

A list of our Academy Councillors can be found here